Inner thigh rashes: What are the common types?

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Inner thigh rashes have a variety of causes ranging from an allergy to a parasitic infection. the characteristics of the rash and other accompanying symptoms are distinct and can be used to determine the precise condition.

A doctor should be seen if the rash is scratchy and sore or linked with other signs such as difficulty breathing and pain or did not settle after a few days.

Common forms of inner thigh rashes

Heat rash

Atopic dermatitis or eczema is a lingering skin condition that arises from a hypersensitivity skin reaction.

This form of rash arises if the individual is excessively sweating and the sweat is trapped beneath the skin due to clogged sweat ducts. Generally, this results to inflammation, blister formation and an itchy rash in some instances.

This rash can develop in any part of the body or areas where clothing produces friction such as in the inner thighs. It might also be triggered by humid weather, certain clothing fabrics, physical activity, overheating, immature sweat ducts and applying heavy creams.

Contact dermatitis

This form of rash can also develop in the inner thigh. It is triggered by an irritating substance such as fabrics, lotions, soaps, detergents, chemicals, medications and poison ivy.

Once the inner thigh is exposed to an irritant, a rash develops. The area becomes reddened, itchy, swollen along with tenderness and a burning sensation.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis or eczema is a lingering skin condition that arises from a hypersensitivity skin reaction. It is prevalent among children while adults typically outgrow the condition.

The rash can form in the inner thigh as blisters, redness, inflammation and changes in the skin color. If the area is scratched, the skin turns raw and leather-like.

Swimmer’s itch

This is a skin infection that develops after exposure to water that has been contaminated by the Schistosoma parasite. The parasite burrows into the inner thigh skin and triggers a rash.

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