What causes severe knee pain?

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Many individuals experience knee pain at some point in their lives. Certain activities, exercise and sports can cause injuries to the cartilage and ligaments as well as muscle strain. In some, they experience severe knee pain that can disrupt with their daily activities at home or at work. Others can suffer from mild knee pain that can be a lingering interference to maintaining an active lifestyle. In either case, the individual might have a knee issue that should be properly assessed by a doctor.

Injuries to the knee ligament

The ligaments are responsible for connecting the thigh bone to the lower leg bones. They hold the bones in place and provide stability to the knee. Sprains and tears on the knee ligaments are common sports injuries and can involve the anterior cruciate ligament, medial collateral ligament or posterior cruciate ligament. Injury to any of these can cause severe knee pain and might require surgery.

Tears to the knee cartilage

Severe knee pain
Tears can involve the knee cartilage which is a semi-hard tissue that covers the end of the bones.

Tears can involve the knee cartilage which is a semi-hard tissue that covers the end of the bones. The knee cartilage comprises the two menisci on both sides of the joint. When an individual sustained a tear in the knee cartilage, it requires surgery.

Knee arthritis

Arthritis is a usual cause of severe knee pain and disability. Unluckily, arthritis is a chronic degenerative condition that would eventually need surgery. The common forms include post-traumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. With the three forms, the symptoms include swelling and stiffness as well as difficulty in bending the knee.

  • Post-traumatic arthritis can occur after a serious knee injury including ligament tears and fractures. These injuries can damage the knee cartilage over time and cause severe knee pain, stiffness and swelling.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes the tissues surrounding the joint to inflame and thicken. This chronic inflammation often results to damage and the loss of cartilage.
  • Osteoarthritis of the knee is the most common type and involves the progressive wearing away of the knee joint cartilage. This condition usually occurs among individuals 50 and older. Those who are over 50 years old can suffer the impact of the condition due to the accumulated usage and wearing down of the cartilage.

Diagnosing severe knee pain

The doctor will diagnose knee problems and arthritis using physical examination and an X-ray. The individual will be asked about the level of pain, knee function and flexibility as well as general mobility. The doctor will utilize special tests to identify the type of arthritis affecting the knee.

Treatment of severe knee pain

Severe knee pain typically worsens as the arthritis progresses. The commonly used treatment options includes strengthening exercises, weight loss, wrapping and pain medications such as acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). If you want to be prepared to ease the symptoms, you can register for first aid training today.

Even though osteoarthritis is the most common condition, those who experience severe knee pain from any form of arthritis can benefit from surgery including partial or total knee replacement.

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