Childcare Training

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Skin conditions: Scabies in children

Scabies is an itchy rash on the skin triggered by small burrowing mites. The rash appear as reddened threads on the skin. This skin condition rapidly spreads and requires treatment. What are the causes? Scabies is triggered by a small-sized insect specifically Sarcoptes scabiei. The female mites usually lay eggs in small tunnels that

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fever and chills

What is diphtheria?

Diphtheria is a communicable, oftentimes deadly infection involving the upper respiratory tract caused by the Corynebacterium diphtheria bacteria. With the help of widespread vaccination, the cases of diphtheria drastically dropped in the recent years but it still exists in several developing countries all over the world. The bacteria responsible for causing diphtheria spreads via droplets

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Erythema infectiosum

Erythema infectiosum is a transmittable viral infection that results to elevated or blotchy reddened rash with mild illness. The condition is brought about by the human parvovirus B19 and occurs mostly during the spring season, usually in geographically limited outbreaks among children especially school-age children. The infection spreads mainly by inhaling small droplets released by

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