An absence seizure or petit mall seizure are characterized as transitory, usually less than 15 seconds and occur with symptoms that are hardly noticeable. Nevertheless, loss of consciousness even for a short span can make this type of seizure life-threatening.
Indications of an absence seizure
An absence seizure typically occurs among children 5-9 years old but can also occur in adults. Children who have epilepsy might suffer from absence or grand mal seizures. The grand mal seizures usually last longer along with intense symptoms.
The signs and symptoms of an absence seizure include the following:
- Fluttering eyelids
- Staring off out into space
- Lip smacking
- Leaning forward or backward
An absence seizure typically occurs among children 5-9 years old but can also occur in adults. - Stopping speech in the middle of a sentence
- Sudden motionless
- Sudden hand movements
It is important to note that adults often mistake children with an absence seizure for simply misbehaving or being inattentive.
An individual experiencing an absence seizure is usually unaware of his/her surroundings even with sound or touch. This type of seizure can occur abruptly and without any warning.
What are the causes?
During an absence seizure, the electrical signals of the brain repeat themselves. An individual who experiences this seizure might also be altered level of neurotransmitters which are the chemical messengers that allows the cells to communicate.
Until today, the specific cause for this type of seizure is still unknown. It might be genetic where it is passed down from one generation to another. Flashing lights or hyperventilation might trigger an episode in some individuals.
Anti-seizure medications are used to manage an absence seizure. A trial and error method is often used to find the suitable medication. The doctor will initially start with lose doses of anti-seizure drugs and then gradually make the necessary adjustments based on the results.
Some medications that are used to manage absence seizures include the following:
- Lamotrigine
- Ethosuximide
- Valproic acid
Certain activities might be dangerous for individuals who have absence seizures since it causes momentary loss of awareness. A seizure that occurs while swimming or driving might lead to an accident or drowning. The doctor might limit the activity until certain that the seizures are under control.
It is also recommended to use a medical identification bracelet or necklace. This is very useful in case of emergencies.