Can probiotics trigger diarrhea?

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Probiotics can cause certain side effects including diarrhea. Even though diarrhea is not a usual side effect, probiotics can oftentimes cause associated symptoms such as gas, abdominal pain or bloating.

Generally, probiotics are likely to lessen the length of diarrhea or prevent antibiotic-related diarrhea. Even though there are health benefits, consult a doctor before using the product to ensure that it is safe.

Role in the GI tract function

The gut bacteria have a role in the digestion of food, protection from microorganisms, generating certain vitamins and fortifying the immune system.

The gut bacteria have a role in the digestion of food, protection from microorganisms, generating certain vitamins and fortifying the immune system. As the bacteria thrive on partly digested food in the gut, gas is produced.

Certain strains might cause loose stools which is why probiotics are recognized to assist with constipation. Using them can also lead to faster passage of food via the gut, softer stools and frequent bowel movements. These notable benefits to stool consistency and frequency can make diarrhea likely if taking significant doses or if there is tolerance.

Can probiotics counter diarrhea?

Probiotics are likely to improve acute diarrhea instead of causing it. In a study, using one for cases of acute diarrhea along with rehydration therapy helps shorten the duration of diarrhea. It also lessen the frequency of the stool by the 2nd day of therapy.

Considerations to bear in mind

Even though the product can trigger gas, abdominal cramps, bloating or potentially diarrhea, most individuals can tolerate the normal doses without any side effects. In addition, it can shorten the length of diarrhea or lower the risk when using antibiotics.

Nevertheless, probiotics might lead to infections among those with weakened or poorly developed immune systems such as in infants or the elderly.


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