Do some nuts contribute to asthma?

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Asthma is basically a long-term disease affecting the lungs that is characterized by the inflammation of the tubes that transport air to the lungs. This condition typically occurs due to exposure to airborne allergens such as dust or pollen as well as respiratory infections. It is important to note that an allergy develops once the cells of the immune system react to a particular substance that is considered harmless. An allergic response causes sneezing, runny nose, rashes or asthma. There are various nuts that can trigger an allergic response that can contribute to the onset of asthma. By enrolling in a first aid course, you can properly handle an asthma attack that might be triggered by allergies.


Even though peanuts do not seem to belong to the family of nuts, they are actually categorized as legumes which are plants that contain seed pods that are split into two halves. Aside from peanuts, the legume family includes peas, beans, lentils and soybeans. It is important to note that legumes are good sources of protein, essential minerals and dietary fiber. Peanut allergy can trigger an allergic response that contributes to asthma. Additionally, they also have the potential to initiate a severe allergic reaction that can lead to anaphylaxis which is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention.

Peanut allergy can trigger an allergic response that contributes to asthma.

Tree nuts

Nuts are the hard-shelled fruits of certain plants. Even though nuts can provide essential nutrients to the body, tree nuts are also one of the common triggers of allergies. Tree nuts include various nuts such as almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, walnuts, hazel nuts, chestnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, pistachios and pine nuts. Other uncommon tree nuts include gingko, beechnut, Shea nut, chinquapin, hickory, butternut, pili nut and lychee nut.

Tree nut allergies typically start during infancy or childhood and some eventually grow out of their allergy. If the individual suffers from tree nut allergy, eating nuts can trigger an immune response that causes the swelling of the airways, thus leading to asthma.

Other food sources

Aside from avoiding the actual nuts, the individual must also avoid foods that might contain the nut itself, oil of the nut or the protein of the nut. It is important to note that nut proteins are usually present in crackers, cereals, candy, cookies, flavored coffees, chocolates, energy bars, frozen desserts, barbeque sauces, marinades and even cold cuts.

Some confections such as nougat and marzipan can also contain nut proteins or nut oils. Restaurants serving Vietnamese, Chinese, Indian or Thai food often utilize nut oils in preparing various dishes that they serve. If the individual is allergic to nuts, he/she must be careful when ordering foods in bakeries or ice cream parlors since the risk for cross contamination is high. Additionally, nut oils are also used in non-food items such as lotions or soaps.

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