Eyelid pain

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Eyelid pain involves discomfort or soreness of the eyelids that cover and protect the eye. The exterior part of the eyelid is comprised of thin skin while the inside is lined with conjunctiva.

Since the conjunctiva is abundant with blood vessels, it is prone to inflammation that results to pain and swelling. The borders of the eyelids include the eyelashes and their hair follicles along with several small-sized oil glands that lubricate the eye surface. Any form of infection or blockage inside the oil glands or follicles can lead to eyelid pain.


Eyelid pain
Any form of infection or blockage inside the oil glands or follicles can lead to eyelid pain.

The eyelid pain might be accompanied by other symptoms that vary depending on the underlying condition.

Ocular symptoms

  • Double or blurry vision
  • Dry eye
  • Drainage from the eye
  • Pain or discomfort
  • Increased light sensitivity
  • Itchiness
  • Warmth, redness or swelling of the eyelids
  • Sore, red eyes or bloodshot eyes
  • Watery eyes

In some cases, the eyelid pain might be accompanied by symptoms linked to other bodily systems such as:

  • Sneezing
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose

Symptoms that require immediate medical care

In some instances, the eyelid pain might be an indication of a serious or even dangerous infection called orbital cellulitis. It is vital to seek medical care if the following symptoms are present:

  • Eye pain especially when the eyes are moved
  • Bulging eyes
  • Drainage from the eyes
  • High fever
  • Stiff neck
  • Change or loss of vision
  • Swollen red or purplish eyelids

What are the possible causes of eyelid pain?

It is important to note that eyelid pain is brought about by inflammation of the eyelids. In most cases, the pain originates in the conjunctiva.

The usual causes for the pain include infections, allergies, environmental irritants and reactions to cosmetics and personal care products. As for physical injuries, it includes sunburn, burns, lacerations and insect bites.

In some cases, eyelid pain might be an indication of a serious eye condition. An infection that involves the eye region can disrupt vision. If the individual develops orbital cellulitis, it is a serious bacterial infection that affects the eyelids as well as the soft tissues in the eye.

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