How to manage shoulder bursitis

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Shoulder bursitis is considered as a chronic condition that can disrupt with daily activities if not properly treated. This develops once the bursa in the shoulder is injured or inflamed. Once an individual has been diagnosed with shoulder bursitis, there are steps to bear in mind to help it heal so that return to normal activities is a short one. The treatment for this shoulder condition tends to vary depending on the severity. If the individual was able to seek medical care, the outcome is a lot more desirable as well as minimizes the risk for potential complications from developing.

RICE method

The initial phase of treatment for shoulder bursitis is to use the RICE method (rest, ice, compression, elevation). You can apply an ice pack and elevate the shoulder to promote the constriction of the blood vessels. It is also vital to take a break from activities that are sore so that the inflammation will subside. The doctor might even recommend the use of a brace or wrap as a way to protect the shoulder while it is currently healing.


Shoulder bursitis
It is also vital to take a break from activities that are sore so that the inflammation will subside.

In case the symptoms due to the shoulder bursitis disrupt with daily activities or the individual finds it hard to sleep comfortably at night, medications can greatly help.

Muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory medications and cortisone injections can be given by the doctor. These medications work by minimizing the symptoms as well as reducing the swelling that develops.

Aspiration of fluid

In case the swelling linked with shoulder bursitis results to the buildup of fluid, the doctor might recommend the drainage of the fluid from the shoulder. The procedure involves the insertion of a needle into the shoulder and the fluid is drawn out. The fluid is analyzed to help come up with a diagnosis.

Physical therapy

In some circumstances, a suitable strengthening and stretching program can be designed by a physical therapist. If the muscles that surround the shoulder joint become weakened or no longer conditioned, there is more pressure placed on the joint that can result to injuries. Remember that this is true if the tendons, muscles or ligaments are tight since they can pull the joint out of its proper alignment.

The physical therapist can also design a series of exercises that will support the activities that the individual enjoys. Additionally, techniques such as ultrasound can be used to manage the pain as the individual becomes more active.

Modification of activities

Once the symptoms of shoulder bursitis start to subside, the individual can return to his/her normal level of activity. The individual should learn how to take part in his/her favorite activities and hobbies without re-injuring the shoulder.

Cross-training by engaging in activities that utilizes the shoulder muscles in various ways can make the joint stronger as well as prevent overuse. Proper warm up and observing correct body mechanics can help minimize the strain on the joint.

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