Indications of a vestibular migraine

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A vestibular migraine is a form of migraine characterized by dizziness. The signs and symptoms of a vestibular migraine include the usual symptoms of a regular migraine but accompanied by hearing and vestibular symptoms. Even though migraines are considered common which affects millions of individuals all over the world, vestibular migraines occur less frequently and only a small percentage of individuals suffer from this type of migraine.

What are the common migraine symptoms?

The classic symptom of a migraine headache is the intense throbbing sensation or pain that occurs on only one side of the head. The pain typically worsens over time if not properly treated and can persist for several hours up to days.

Some individuals experience patterns or flashes of light before their eyes which is commonly referred to as an aura before the start of the pain. Those who suffer from migraines often experience nausea and vomiting along with increased sensitivity to light and sound. The ideal way for the individual to cope is to retreat to a dim, quiet room to rest.

In case the symptoms are too intense, it is best to set an appointment with a doctor so that thorough assessment of the condition can be performed as well as preventive measures can be observed by the individual.

What are the vestibular symptoms?

Vestibular migraines
Those who suffer from migraines often experience nausea and vomiting along with increased sensitivity to light and sound.

Individuals who suffer from migraines are already familiar with the distinctive signs and symptoms. Many are still not aware that there is a link between migraines and the functioning of the interior ear mechanisms that affect the hearing and balance. This link generates symptoms that are specific to a vestibular migraine including unsteadiness, vertigo and loss of balance.

The dizziness can manifest before, during or after the headache. In usual causes of migraine attacks, intense pain is the chief focus. When it comes to a vestibular migraine, the imbalance and dizziness experienced by the individual can be more challenging. Those who suffer from vestibular migraines also end up with severe sensitivity to movements and often end up with motion sickness. In addition, it is also common for an individual to experience migraines for several years before the development of vestibular migraines.

What are the hearing symptoms?

A vestibular migraine can also trigger symptoms that are linked to hearing. The most common include the feeling of fullness in the ears, ringing in the ears and muffled hearing. The hearing symptoms linked with vestibular migraines often manifest without the distinctive headache.

Once the individual experiences any of these symptoms, it is possible for the individual to have vestibular migraine. If in doubt, it is recommended to schedule an appointment with a doctor so that proper assessment can be carried out. This will ensure that the appropriate treatment can be started.

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