Scabies: How to deal with the skin rash and itchiness

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Scabies is a prevalent form of skin infection triggered by the Sarcoptes scabiei mite. The infection affects millions of individuals all over the world yearly which causes an intensely itchy rash that affects almost the entire body.

The infection is contagious and readily spreads among family members. Outbreaks are likely to occur in nursing homes, hospitals and daycare centers. Remember that it can affect any age group and socioeconomic status.

Scabies is typically transmitted via direct skin contact with an infected individual but it is also possible to become infected after being exposed to contaminated bedding or clothing.


A diagnosis of scabies is usually based on the symptoms experienced by the individual and the development of skin rash. Individuals who have scabies have a generalized itchy rash but it does not often affect the face or scalp. The rash and itchiness can become more intense between the webs of the fingers, over the joints of the elbows and wrists, in the armpits, groin, waistline and buttock regions.

The rash is characterized as small-sized bumps as well as elevated lines or burrows in which the mites have burrowed into the skin.

The rash is characterized as small-sized bumps as well as elevated lines or burrows in which the mites have burrowed into the skin. Once these areas are scratched, there might be patches of eczema and even bacterial skin infections.

It is also possible to perform a biopsy to check the presence of the mites under a microscope. This is a guaranteed way to come up with a diagnosis of scabies, although it is not usually performed in most healthcare facilities.


The treatment is relatively easy for most individuals infected with scabies and can be carried out with either topical or oral medications. The preferred treatment is using permethrin cream that is applied to the whole body starting from the neck up to the toes and then rinsed off after 8-14 hours.

Based on studies conducted, it showed that the results after using permethrin is effective in most cases, although some might require another application 14 days after if the symptoms persist. Take note that permethrin is generally safe with only a few side effects and can be used on children 2 months old.

The second option for treating scabies is Lindane cream. The only drawback is its side effects of muscle spasms and seizures which is why it is not available in certain countries. This medication is applied starting on the neck up to the toes and rinsed off after 8 hours. It is closely as effective as permethrin when used.

How to prevent re-infection

An individual is likely to become re-infected with scabies if he/she does not follow simple measures after the use of a topical or oral treatment. Initially, other family members including sexual partners must be treated for scabies even if they do not have any symptoms.

All clothing and bedding must be machine-washed using hot water and dried in a dryer the day after treatment. Any bedding, clothing or upholstered furniture that came in contact with an infected individual but could not be washed must be covered with plastic for at least 48-72 hours. If the mites do not come in contact with humans this long, they could not survive.

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