May 2016

Close look on brown recluse spider bites

The brown recluse spider or fiddle-back spiders possess venom that can lead to significant health issues and even death. It is important to note that these spiders are not aggressive but will bite if accidentally disturbed. You can readily identify the spider with their violin-shaped mark on its head and 6 evenly-sized eyes. The

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Delusional Disorder

What are the lasting complications of frostbite?

Even though injuries from frostbite eventually heal, the damage can persist. Being exposed to cold weather conditions or direct exposure to a freezing material such as metal or an ice pack can cause frostbite. An individual generally suffers from hypothermia or reduced core body temperature along with frostbite. The symptoms that manifest right away include

What are the lasting complications of frostbite? Read More »

Medial epicondylitis: Can I use heat or cold therapy?

Medial epicondylitis or golfer’s elbow is a form of tendinitis which develops once the joint tendons, ligaments and muscles responsible for controlling forearm movement develop small-sized tears or micro tears. The condition triggers symptoms such as the following: Pain Inflammation Limited movement Formation of calcium deposits and scar tissue Aside from the pain, other symptoms

Medial epicondylitis: Can I use heat or cold therapy? Read More »

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