W. Green

Walt Green is a registered nurse with years of experience in the field of orthopedics. As an orthopedic nurse, Walt Green has dealt with a variety of cases and injuries with their proper management measures. To share his knowledge to others, specifically on musculoskeletal injuries, Walt Green is also a contributor working part time as an online writer to various websites. Generally, he focuses on basic first aid care for musculoskeletal injuries as well as other health-related topics.


Sesamoiditis is defined as inflammation of the sesamoid bones that are found beneath the joint at the base of the big toes. The condition can be triggered by acute injury or prolonged overuse. The discomfort can also be brought about by stress fractures of the sesamoid or even osteonecrosis. What are the signs? The usual

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Iron poisoning

Iron poisoning develops if an individual ingested many pills that contain iron, usually vitamins. An acute case of iron poisoning involves children younger than 6 years who swallowed pediatric or adult vitamins that include iron. What are the indications of iron poisoning? The signs of iron poisoning are generally obvious within 6 hours after swallowing

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Broken foot

A broken foot involves injury to the foot bones. The injury is common since the feet are prone to twisting and slippage. What are the signs? Foot pain and swelling Inability or difficulty walking Redness or bruising of the foot Difficulty bearing weight on the foot Evident deformity of the toes What are the possible

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Adenovirus 14

The adenovirus 14 is known to cause cold-like symptoms but can progress to serious respiratory ailments. Most cases of common cold are mild and only lasts for a week. Despite the discomfort caused by the symptoms, most healthy individuals can deal with the condition and continue with daily activities. When it comes to the adenovirus

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