W. Green

Walt Green is a registered nurse with years of experience in the field of orthopedics. As an orthopedic nurse, Walt Green has dealt with a variety of cases and injuries with their proper management measures. To share his knowledge to others, specifically on musculoskeletal injuries, Walt Green is also a contributor working part time as an online writer to various websites. Generally, he focuses on basic first aid care for musculoskeletal injuries as well as other health-related topics.

What are the complications of post cardiac bypass surgery?

It is important to note that the coronary arteries supply the heart tissue with blood rich in oxygen. When it comes to coronary artery disease, the deposit of fat or plaque inside the arteries reduces the internal space available, thus reducing the flow of blood. Coronary artery bypass grafting or cardiac bypass surgery (CABG) involves

What are the complications of post cardiac bypass surgery? Read More »

What are the indications of food poisoning caused by spoiled meat?

Food poisoning by eating spoiled meat typically occurs as a result of bacterial contamination due to incorrect handling, storage or during the cooking process. The symptoms of food poisoning can range from minor to severe, depending on the harshness of the bacteria present as well as the specific type of bacteria. Always bear in mind

What are the indications of food poisoning caused by spoiled meat? Read More »

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