What are the ideal foods if an individual has fever?

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Always bear in mind that it is not true that you should feed a cold but starve a fever. The body burns more calories when an individual has fever. If the individual will not eat nutrient-rich foods, he/she will lack the energy required by the immune system to help with quick recovery. It is important to seek medical care right away if the individual has fever that is higher than 105 degrees F that persists for 48-72 hours or one that is accompanied by mental confusion, stiff neck, rashes, seizures and pain during urination.


You can enroll in a first aid class today so that you can learn how to provide relief to the discomfort experienced by the individual. If a family member such as a child has fever, you know the appropriate steps to perform to reduce the temperature as well as provide comfort.

Provide the individual with fluid-rich foods

The ideal way to fight a fever is to provide the individual with plenty of fluids. Aside from drinking water, fruit juice or hot tea, the individual should consume fluid-rich foods such as poultry broth, ice popsicles or low-sodium vegetables and thin soups. Take note that the vapor from hot foods such as chicken soup can help loosen the dried mucus in the nasal passages.

It is important to seek medical care right away if the individual has fever that is higher than 105 degrees F that persists for 48-72 hours or one that is accompanied by mental confusion, stiff neck, rashes, seizures and pain during urination.

Opt for fresh fruit

Fruits such as strawberries, oranges, pineapple, watermelon, kiwi and cantaloupe are packed with vitamin C which is an antioxidant that supports the health of the immune system. Bananas can also be given to replace the potassium that was lost to sweating, diarrhea or vomiting.

Additionally, citrus fruits that contain flavonoid compounds that reduce inflammation and boost the immune cell functions can also help. Choose fresh fruits instead of sweetened fruit products since excess intake of sugar can interfere with the immune system.

Choose probiotics

Regular consumption of probiotic foods that contain beneficial live bacteria can help reduce fever. Children who eat probiotics are less likely to end up sick. You can provide yogurt that contains live bacteria when an individual is having fever. Just make sure that you will choose a brand that offers high concentration of bacteria. It is best to opt for low or non-fat yogurt instead of whole milk varieties in order to avoid saturated fat.

Add up on protein

Eating foods that are high in protein can provide the immune system with the energy it needs to fight off an infection while an individual has fever. You can select small amounts of soft, bland foods such as scrambled silken tofu, scrambled eggs and unseasoned turkey or chicken. In case the individual could not tolerate solid foods, provide high-protein shakes. All you have to do is to prepare one using non-fat or low-fat milk, tofu or yogurt. You can even add milk to coffee or hot tea.

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