Natural home remedies for fever

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It is a known fact that fever develops as a bodily response to an infection or disease. A fever occurs once the body temperature increase up to 99 degrees F. When it comes to mild cases of fever, it does not require any treatment. In case the individual starts to feel uncomfortable, starts to vomit or have difficulty sleeping, there are natural home remedies that can help provide relief. You can learn these measures by enrolling in a first aid class today.

In case the body temperature reaches up to 105 degrees F or higher or fever that lasts longer than 72 hours, a doctor must be consulted. When treating children younger than 3 years old, a doctor must be consulted if the fever reaches up to 100.4 degrees F or higher. As for children 3-12 months old, a doctor must be consulted once the fever reaches up to 102.3 degrees F.

In case the individual starts to feel uncomfortable, starts to vomit or have difficulty sleeping, there are natural home remedies that can help provide relief.

Cold compress

Applying a cold compress to the body will help reduce the high temperature. All you have to do is to soak a clean washcloth in a bowl filled with water and ice until completely saturated. Wring out excess water and apply directly on the forehead and trunk of the body. The compress can be removed when it warms to the body temperature and then soak in ice water again and reapply. The treatment can be repeated once or twice in an hour as needed to minimize the fever.

Using socks

The use of socks is a hydrotherapy technique that can be done at home to reduce a fever. Before going to sleep, you have to immerse a pair of thin socks made out of cotton in water. Squeeze out the excess water and place them on the feet of the individual. Wear a pair of dry and thick socks made out of wool or cotton above the wet ones. These must be worn when the individuals goes to bed. When the individual sleeps, the body will start to circulate the lymphatic fluid as well as the blood to combat the the wet feet which also kindles the immune system. The socks should by dry by morning. The treatment can be repeated for 5-6 nights in a row as needed to reduce the fever.

Fever bath

Taking a bath in lukewarm water can help reduce the fever safely and steadily. During the height of the fever, the individual should immerse the body in a tub filled with water about 2 degrees cooler than the body temperature. Add cooler water to the bath slowly in order to lower the body temperature.

The bath should be ended after 20 minutes or when the individual starts to feel cold. Dry the individual and he/she should return to bed and make sure that you will cover him/her with blankets. The sweating will start which is the desired effect after the fever bath. The body temperature will drop at 2 degrees F. This should be done once in a day if possible in the afternoon until the fever diminishes. This treatment should not be done if the individual has fever that is still rising.

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