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Can back squats cause rib subluxation?

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Subluxation is described as a minor dislocation or misalignment of bone. The ribs normally move in a smooth sliding motion but subluxation can make the joint rub on and trigger intense pain which makes breathing difficult. The adjacent muscles can spasm and the pain can be worsened by movement or even breathing.

When it comes to rib subluxation, it can also lead to costochondritis which is a type of chest pain. If the individual performs back squats, it can cause rib subluxation affecting one or several ribs.

Structure of the ribs

The ribs are attached to the middle back, spine and the sternum in the front. Out of the 12 ribs, 10 are attached and 2 on each side at the bottom are not attached in front which are called floating ribs.

Always bear in mind that every rib is connected to a vertebra which are stabilized by ligaments and muscles. There is also a nerve between every rib. Rib subluxation can cause pressure or irritation on any of these structures.

What causes rib subluxations?

Rib subluxation can occur even with sneezing, coughing or sleeping in the wrong position. Any movement that pulls the arm behind the body in an abrupt movement can lead to rib subluxations.

Rib subluxation
Rib subluxation can occur even with sneezing, coughing or sleeping in the wrong position.

Weightlifting can also lead to subluxation if the weight is too heavy or if the individual incorrectly breathes while lifting. Wrestling, tackle football or simply turning incorrectly while dancing can cause subluxation.

Can back squats cause rib subluxation?

Always bear in mind that back squat help build up the gluteal muscles, hamstring, quadriceps and muscles in the low back. When performing back squat, the individual should lift a heavy metal bar by grasping it behind the head across the upper shoulders. Even though low back injury is commonly due to back squats, other injuries such as rib subluxation can occur.


Chiropractic treatment can help rib subluxation in which the chiropractor utilizes a drop table and hand-held tools to pop the rib back into position.

A rib subluxation can be prevented by keeping the back muscles strong and observing proper posture. Once this injury is suspected, it is best to consult a doctor.

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