CPR Cardiac Arrest

First Aid and CPR Course

Advantages Of First Aid And CPR Courses At The Workplace

Safety at the workplace is one of the primary concerns, that is why employers prefer workers who are trained in first aid. There are several private and community institutions offering first aid and CPR courses. Today, you can find an increase in the few organizations preferring workers that have up-to-date certifications in first aid. Trained

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Importance of CPR

Importance of CPR in Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Every year, over 300,000 individuals suffer from sudden cardiac arrest. This medical emergency can happen anywhere, anytime. It can happen at home, at the workplace, at the fitness center, or at any public place. The outcome of sudden cardiac arrest can be significantly improved if the person receives Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) immediately. St Mark James

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