First Aid

Nickel allergy

Nickel is described as a silvery-white metal that is found in nature. It is usually combined with other metals to produce alloys such as nickel-iron used in manufacturing stainless steel which is the most prevalent form of nickel alloy. Other alloys are utilized in producing coins, zippers, costume jewelry, girdle or bra fasteners, buttons, snaps,

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Dust allergy

Dust allergy can cause symptoms such as breathing difficulty and even instigate asthma-like symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. In some cases, dust will only cause itchiness. An individual with dust allergy often suffer the most inside their own house or when staying in other houses. Surprisingly, the symptoms tend

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Ankle sprain

An ankle sprain involves tearing of the ankle ligaments. The common ankle sprains typically occur on the lateral part of the ankle. This is a common injury that affects many individuals while engaging in various activities. What are the symptoms? An individual with an ankle sprain will experience pain after twisting the ankle. This typically

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