Chondromalacia patella

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Chondromalacia patella is a condition that involves damage to the articular cartilage which is the smooth hard cartilage beneath the kneecap.


The symptoms are somewhat similar to patellofemoral pain syndrome with swelling and pain at the anterior part of the knee particularly over and around the patella. Remember that it often worsens when walking down the stairs or after being seated for extended periods. The clicking or grinding sensation called as crepitus can be felt when straightening or bending the knee.

Treatment for chondromalacia patella

Chondromalacia patella
The symptoms are somewhat similar to patellofemoral pain syndrome with swelling and pain at the anterior part of the knee particularly over and around the patella.

Aside from rest and application of an ice pack as well as compression to minimize the inflammation, there is not much anything to do to deal with chondromalacia patella. It is important that the exact cause is identified and corrected if possible. When a sports injury professional is consulted, the right treatment and rehabilitation program can be started which includes the following:

Assessment of the knee joint

This is performed to confirm a diagnosis and rule out other potential injuries. The range of movement, swelling and level of pain as well as any tight structures or muscle wasting in the knee are checked since they are contributing factors to the condition. The biomechanical factors are also checked such as over pronation in which the foot rolls in or flattens, which causes the lower leg to rotate while the knee twists.

An X-ray will help confirm a diagnosis. Nevertheless, the X-ray results are often normal, but can be used to rule out other injuries. An MRI is usually requested in order to confirm a diagnosis.

Reduction of pain and inflammation

Adequate rest, application of cold therapy and compression wraps can help minimize the pain and swelling in the knee joint. You can learn ways to effectively carry out these measures by enrolling in a first aid class today. The doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen to reduce the pain, swelling and inflammation. A doctor should be consulted first before taking any medication. Take note that ibuprofen should not be taken by those who have asthma.

Taping of the patella can help promote proper tracking of the kneecap. This is often done and can quickly minimize the pain by preventing the kneecap from constantly rubbing on the sore spot. The first taping technique is used to control the position of the patella while the other taping technique is suitable for returning to a sport since it promotes correct patella tracking.

A full knee rehabilitation program includes specific exercises that the individual should perform. The exercises are focused on increasing the strength of the vastus medialis muscle on the interior of the knee and stretching the lateral quadriceps muscle on the exterior of the knee. In addition, sports massage can also help relax the lateral structures of the knee.

Surgery is not commonly used as a form of management for chondromalacia patella but usually serves as the last resort if rehabilitation failed. Surgery is performed via an arthroscope or keyhole surgery in which the damaged cartilage is removed or shaved off.

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