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When it comes to fainting, the individual loses consciousness for a few seconds. This is also known as passing or blacking out. The individual feels sick and sweaty initially or pass out without any warning.

If an individual faint, loss of consciousness only lasts for a few seconds and feels normal again. Some feel very tired after an episode. In most instances, fainting occurs for a reason such as when in pain or standing for a long period in a warm place. It is important to note that fainting occurs since the brain requires a continuous supply of oxygen. If the supply drops below a certain level, the individual falls to the ground so that it is easier for oxygenated blood to reach the brain.

Is fainting common?

Fainting is common in all ages and affects some individuals at one point in their lives.

Fainting is common in all ages and affects some individuals at one point in their lives. Most cases do not require medical care. In most cases, an initial attack occurs before reaching 40 years old. If an individual experience an episode for the first time after 40 years old, it is possible that it is a serious underlying condition.

The typical reason is a neurally-mediated syncope. This usually occur initially throughout adolescence and tends to occur among girls. Among the elderly, fainting is likely due to an underlying heart condition, low blood pressure or a side effect of medication.


The treatment depends on the cause. The individual is instructed to keep a diary of the episodes including what he/she was doing when an episode occurred.

What to do if fainting is likely to occur?

  • The individual should lie down flat with the legs propped on a chair or against a wall or simply sit down on the ground with the head between the knees.
  • Squatting down on the heels is also effective and less noticeable in public.
  • If the individual starts to feel better, he/she should get up carefully. If the symptoms recur, resume the position.

More Information / Disclaimer

The information posted on this page on fainting is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage sudden medical emergencies such as fainting by taking a standard first aid course with Toronto First Aid.

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