Home remedies for a second-degree sunburn

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Being exposed to the rays of the sun can cause intensely reddened skin, severe pain, blistering and swelling. These are indications that the first two layers of the skin are damaged. Having second-degree sunburn is considered serious but can be managed with the help of several home remedies if it covers a small area and does not involve the hands, face or feet. A doctor should be consulted if the sunburn is severe or the symptoms become worse.

Those who spend a lot of time outdoors especially during the summer months must observe measures to minimize or prevent the risk for getting sunburns. Remember that getting frequent sunburns can put an individual at high risk for developing skin cancer in the future. Always apply a sunscreen at all time when spending outdoors or use a hat or other protective gears.

Cooling the skin

An ideal and simple measure to manage the sunburn is to cool it off. Make sure that this is done right away since it helps put an end to the burning process in the skin as well as relieving the pain. When cooling second-degree sunburn, you have to run the area under cool water.

If possible, the individual can submerge the affected area in a tub of cool water or simply cover it with a cold compress. Just remember not to apply ice directly on the burn site or use ice water since these will only cause more damage to the burn site.

Second-degree sunburn
If possible, the individual can submerge the affected area in a tub of cool water or simply cover it with a cold compress.

Moisturizing the skin

In case the skin is very red but not blistering, you have to moisturize it. Take note that you can utilize a mild lotion or cream that contains aloe or other hydrating components. Do not use ointments since these can aggravate the sunburn.

Protect the blisters

In case the skin of the individual is swollen and blistering, you have to protect it using sterile gauze. All you have to do is to wrap a bandage lightly but in a secure manner around the sunburn for protection while it heals. The blistered areas are at risk for infection. By keeping the blisters intact and protected, it promotes faster healing of the burned area.

Pain medications

When it comes to second-degree sunburns, they can cause intense pain that can be bothersome especially to children. Due to this, over-the-counter pain medications can be given to reduce the pain as it heals. It is recommended to take an anti-inflammatory medication until the symptoms subside.

Some individuals have varying reactions to different medications, thus it is vital that the individual will use one that works best for him/her. Generally, aspirin must only be given to adults while acetaminophen is the safest for children and teenagers. Ibuprofen can be given to adults, children and teenagers. If in doubt, it is best to consult a doctor regarding the suitable pain medication to use to manage the symptoms.

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