Home remedies for mosquito bites

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When going outdoors, you might end up with insect bites, particularly from mosquitoes if proper protective measures were not observed. Mosquitoes can easily pierce through the skin using their mouth to feed off the blood. They can also deposit saliva into the skin that elicits a reaction from the immune system.

Mosquito bites can cause swelling, redness and itchiness in the bite site that can manifest after two days. It is important to note that mosquitos can transmit serious diseases such as malaria, West Nile virus and dengue fever. Immediate treatment can help control the symptoms as well as reduce the risk for developing complications associated with mosquito bites. It is vital that you know how to properly manage mosquito bites at home. All you have to do is to register for first aid training today so that you know the appropriate steps to take.

Application of ice

You can place cold compress or a pack of cold vegetables on the bite site to help reduce the symptoms. Ice works by numbing the skin surrounding the bite site which can minimize the urge of the individual to scratch.

Mosquito bites
You can place cold compress or a pack of cold vegetables on the bite site to help reduce the symptoms. Ice works by numbing the skin surrounding the bite site which can minimize the urge of the individual to scratch.

The ice should be placed over a clean cloth or towel for 20 minutes and then removed for 20 minutes to prevent frostbite from developing. The process can be repeated as often as needed until the symptoms subside. Do not use heat since it will only increase the swelling, redness and itchiness around the site bite.

Hydrocortisone cream

An over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream can be utilized to treat mosquito bites. Hydrocortisone cream works by reducing the itchiness and puffiness connected with mosquito bites. It also minimizes the reaction of the immune system which helps reduce the symptoms.

You can use the cream so that the urge to scratch the bite site is lessened. This will prevent bacterial infection of the skin from developing. Take note that this medication must be used as often as directed by the doctor.


You can apply a paste over the mosquito bite to reduce the itchiness as well as hasten the recovery process. All you have to do is to use one teaspoon of water and one teaspoon of dry meat tenderizer which should be applied over the bite site a number of times throughout the day until the symptoms decrease. This will help reduce the itchiness and scratching in order to prevent further bacterial infections in the skin.


Diphenhydramine is an oral antihistamine that can be utilized to minimize the symptoms linked with mosquito bites. Take note that this medication works by reducing histamine which is a chemical signal that triggers redness, swelling and itchiness as a response to the mosquito bite. By blocking the histamine, it can result to the reduction of the symptoms. Just remember that diphenhydramine can cause drowsiness that can disrupt with driving or operating heavy machinery.

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