How to effectively deal with body lice?

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Body lice can easily spread through close contact between infested individuals as well as animals. Take note that body lice typically thrive on clothing and only utilize the skin as a breeding ground and as a source of food. These parasites are considered dangerous since they can transmit disease and spread them once they feed on blood. If an individual is suspected with body lice, there are various ways to manage an infestation especially the itchiness. There is also the risk for infection if the individual excessively scratches the bite site.  If an individual has body lice, you can enroll in a first aid course today to learn how to manage the condition.

Taking hot baths

Bathing in hot water is considered as one way to eliminate body lice. If this method is used, it is best to utilize large amounts of soap in order to wash away the lice and their eggs on the body. This should be followed by rinsing with hot water all over the body.

Thorough washing of infest clothing and other items

Proper laundering or washing of clothing as well as other items that regularly comes in contact with the skin such as towels, bed sheets and blankets is an effective way to eliminate body lice.  All items must be washed using water that has a minimum temperature of 130 degrees Fahrenheit. The clothing and other items must be dried using high level of heat to ensure that all the lice are killed.

Body lice
Proper laundering or washing of clothing as well as other items that regularly comes in contact with the skin such as towels, bed sheets and blankets is an effective way to eliminate body lice.

Products that kill lice

There are several products such as lotions, shampoos or body creams that can kill lice. These are readily available over-the-counter and have been effective in treating body lice. Shampoos that contain pyrethrin or permethrin are highly effective for body lice.


Malathion is a prescription lice treatment that can be used to deal with body lice. Take note that this medication has flammable quality, thus it must be used away from items that can ignite it. Additionally, Malathion is not recommended for pregnant women or nursing mothers unless a doctor is consulted.


A pediculicide is a type of lice eliminating medication that can be utilized to treat body lice. There are different types of pediculicide that are readily available and have varying modes of action. It must be applied based on the directions on the packaging or the instructions given by a doctor.

Benzyl alcohol

Benzyl alcohol is basically a prescription lotion that can be used to deal with body lice. Take note that the lotion must be applied on the infested area for about 10 minutes and then rinsed afterwards. The treatment is usually repeated after a week. Due to the potential side effects of benzyl alcohol, it is not recommended for young children.

Maintaining good hygiene

Good hygiene is vital in treating body lice infestations and can help prevent future infestations. Observing good hygiene is a must which includes bathing and changing of clothes on a regular basis. Additionally, changing bed covers and towels must be done weekly.

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