Ink poisoning generally occurs after ingesting large amounts of ink. It is important to note that ink is not regarded as a poisonous substance. When used normally, poisoning is not likely to occur. Only irritation is possible than an actual poisoning.
Can ink poisoning cause detrimental symptoms?
The ingestion of ink is the usual method in which poisoning occurs. Since ink is a safe material, a miniature amount in the mouth will not lead to any symptoms of poisoning. Obviously, poisoning arises if large amounts are ingested. Luckily, even if poisoning occurs, it is not typically fatal.
Eye irritation or staining of the mucous membranes and skin
Once ink enters the eyes or directly spilled on the skin, it might cause a burning sensation, irritation or itchiness. The ideal treatment if ink enters the eye or splashes on the skin is to rinse thoroughly using cool water.
Utilize large amounts of water and continue to carefully rinse the skin or eyes until the ink is completely rinsed and the individual no longer feels any discomfort.
The ink might temporarily stain the white part of the eyes, mucous membranes or the skin. Take note that it is not likely for the ink in the eyes or skin to trigger lasting symptoms. A doctor should be seen if blurry vision or irritation persists even after rinsing.
What happens if ink is ingested?
When ink is ingested, it is the usual cause of ink poisoning. If a large amount was ingested, call for emergency assistance or the poison control center.
It is not advisable to induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by a healthcare professional. Even if poisoning is likely when large amounts are ingested, a prognosis is usually good. The indications of poisoning might include nausea and staining of the tissues within the mouth.
More Information / Disclaimer
The information posted on this page on ink poisoning is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage this type of poisoning by taking a standard first aid course with Toronto First Aid.