Strawberry allergy: Close look on the indications

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An individual with strawberry allergy experiences symptoms after eating or directly handling the food. If one is allergic to strawberries, the immune system initiates the production of IgE antibodies and histamine every time strawberries are eaten.

The release of histamine and antibodies triggers specific symptoms in the body. These typically occur within 2 hours of ingestion. Aside from avoiding strawberries, watch out for products that include strawberries such as juices, condiments, ice cream, yogurt and baked goods or foods that have been handled or prepared near strawberries.

Strawberry allergy can involve the digestive system as well. The usual indications include vomiting, nausea and generalized stomach upset.

What are the oral symptoms?

The initial symptoms that might arise with strawberry allergy typically occur in the mouth region. There is a sensation of tingling in or around the mouth. The tingling might be followed by swelling that can affect the mouth, lips, tongue and throat.

The swelling of the throat is a serious symptom and it is vital to seek medical care right away since it can disrupt with the flow of air to the lungs.

Skin issues

The indications of strawberry allergy are evident on the skin. The individual might abruptly develop reddened blotches on the skin such as hives along with itchiness.

The redness that arises on the skin might not appear as hives or blotches but also as generalized rash or eczema. There is also swelling in the fingers, hands or facial region. Aside from the facial swelling, the individual might also have watery, itchy eyes along with runny or congested nose.

Digestive symptoms

Strawberry allergy can involve the digestive system as well. The usual indications include vomiting, nausea and generalized stomach upset. Take note that these symptoms might be accompanied by abdominal swelling, diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramping.

Respiratory issues

The respiratory symptoms are considered as quite disturbing and can be severe. A reaction can arise in just minutes or hours of consuming strawberry. In most cases, the reactions include:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Wheezing
  • Chest tightness

These symptoms may or might not be accompanied by chest pain but if the reaction is severe, other symptoms are present such as dizziness, abrupt drop in the blood pressure, shock, fainting and loss of consciousness. If any of these are present when strawberries are eaten, seek medical care right away.

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