What are the possible dangers of bed bugs?

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Just recently, bed bugs were no longer considered as an issue in some countries but it was noticed that these bugs made a comeback. Bed bugs often create its home in beds. Even though they bite and feed on human blood, they do not transmit blood-borne diseases such as hepatitis B or HIV but can pose as a health threat to some individuals. Once you suspect that there are bed bugs present, it is best to consult a doctor for advice and proper treatment.

Allergic reaction

The actual manifestation of a bite from a bed bug tends to vary from one individual to another. In some individuals, they do not even notice the bed bug bites at all. Those who notice the bites might mistake them as mosquito bites since the localized redness and inflammation look the same. Nevertheless, individuals who are highly sensitive to bites from insects of any kind can suffer from an allergic reaction to bites by bed bugs. This allergic response can be minor which only involves itchiness, irritation and redness. As for severe allergic reaction, it must be managed with the application of oral corticosteroids, antihistamines and even anti-itch ointments. If you want to be prepared to handle an allergic reaction, all you have to do is to enroll in a first aid course today.

Bed bugs
Individuals who are highly sensitive to bites from insects of any kind can suffer from an allergic reaction to bites by bed bugs. This allergic response can be minor which only involves itchiness, irritation and redness.


Bed bug bites will not cause any infection. Nevertheless, if the individual could not avoid scratching the bites, infection can eventually develop. Once the individual scratches the bed bug bites, it can cause the opening of the skin. Take note that bacteria can enter through these openings and start to reproduce, thus resulting to an infection. The doctor will prescribe creams to directly apply on the bites to avoid the development of infection or utilize over-the-counter antiseptic ointments on the affected area.

Respiratory issues

If a family member is suffering from respiratory issues, the presence of bed bugs can aggravate these conditions. Always bear in mind that bed bugs usually shed out their exterior skin as they grow. The exterior casing together with the feces can eventually dry out and become airborne. If the individual breathes in this material, it can worsen asthma and other respiratory conditions.


Even though most individuals with bed bug bites are not likely to suffer from anemia, there is likelihood that it can occur in severe cases especially if the individual has other risk factors for anemia.

If you suspect that your home is infested with bed bugs, particularly the bedroom, it is best to take action as early as possible. It is best to hire professional pest control services since they are well-equipped to handle these pests. Aside from the pest control service, you should also make sure that all linens are washed properly to completely eliminate the bed bugs.

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