What are the symptoms of egg food poisoning?

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It is important to note that bacterium Salmonella is the main trigger of food poisoning due to eggs. The bacterium typically infests the ovaries of hens, thus their eggs are later on infected. The feces from the infected hens can also contaminate the eggshell. At the present, there are guidelines for egg producers that they should strictly follow in order to minimize and prevent Salmonella contamination. Every year, many individuals are exposed to eggs that are contaminated by Salmonella.

Indications of egg food poisoning

You have to watch out for the following symptoms if you suspect that the individual is suffering from egg food poisoning.

Fever and chills

In most cases of individuals who suffer from egg food poisoning, they develop fever within 12-72 hours after ingesting contaminated eggs. The fever usually reaches 100.4-102.2 degrees F. The fever is also accompanied by chills and sweating. After 2-3 days, the fever eventually breaks down. If you want to learn how to manage fever, click here.

Abdominal cramping

Egg food poisoning
It is important to note that abdominal cramping usually manifest at the same time as fever from Salmonella food poisoning.

It is important to note that abdominal cramping usually manifest at the same time as fever from Salmonella food poisoning. Take note that once abdominal cramping occurs, it indicates the onset of diarrhea.


Diarrhea will manifest shortly after the onset of abdominal cramping when it comes to egg food poisoning due to Salmonella. The severity of the diarrhea usually varies from one individual to another. In some individuals, they can experience mild diarrhea while others can produce a large amount of watery stool. Though uncommon, the mucus and blood can be present in the stool.

The diarrhea that is due to Salmonella food poisoning usually last for 4-7 days. Generally, antibiotics are not used in treating the condition since the bacteria can be cleared up by the defenses in the body.

Those who have a weakened immune system such as the elderly, young infants and those who have HIV are more likely to suffer from severe diarrhea than those who have a healthy immune system. Individuals who have preexisting inflammatory bowel disease also face a higher risk to severe diarrhea caused by Salmonella.

Nausea and vomiting

Take note that nausea and vomiting can manifest with egg food poisoning. Dehydration can develop among those who experience vomiting and diarrhea. If the individual experiences dizziness while standing, dry mouth and headache, he/she might be dehydrated. It is best to consult a doctor if the child experiences these symptoms. This would require intravenous fluids in order to restore the fluid that was lost through vomiting and diarrhea.

Muscle aches and headaches

When it comes to egg food poisoning caused by Salmonella, it can cause muscle aches and headaches. The headache might be due to dehydration rather than a symptom of the infection. If the individual can take down medications, over-the-counter pain medications can be given to help relieve the symptoms.

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