What are the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome?

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If the individual suspects an injury to the skull that causes mild damage to the brain tissues, he/she can end up with a concussion. The immediate indications of a concussion include amnesia, confusion, nausea, vomiting, dizziness or headache. Post-concussion syndrome has signs and symptoms of a concussion that persists for weeks, months or even years. It is vital that the individual will discuss the symptoms of this condition with a doctor if he/she sustained a concussion.


Any injury to the skull can lead to headache symptoms among some individuals. The headache can vary in severity from mild to severe. If the individual has post-concussion syndrome, the individual can experience recurrent or constant headache that is strikingly similar to symptoms of migraines, tension headaches or cluster headaches. The symptoms can also be accompanied by dizziness, sensitivity to noise and light, vertigo or lightheadedness.

Sleeping difficulty

If the individual develops post-concussion syndrome, he/she can frequently suffer from sleeping difficulties. The individual will find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night. The increased daytime fatigue due to the syndrome can also occur that might drastically disrupt with the ability of the individual to complete his/her normal daily tasks.

Mood alterations

Drastic changes in the mood are frequent among individuals who develop post-concussion syndrome. The behavior or mood-related symptoms of the syndrome usually include irritability, anxiety or depression. The individual will feel confused or has difficulty concentrating. In some individuals, they can experience personality changes or diminished sexual libido.

Sensory alterations

If the individual develops post-concussion syndrome, he/she can experience symptoms linked to sensory loss. These symptoms can include double or blurry vision, slurred speech or diminished ability to smell or taste normally.

Hearing impairment

Any injury to the skull can lead to headache symptoms among some individuals.

After sustaining an injury to the skull, an individual can end up with hearing-related issues due to post-concussion syndrome. The symptoms of hearing issues can include ringing or buzzing sensations inside the ears (tinnitus) or hearing loss. Take note that hearing impairment can be temporary but can last for more than a year in some individuals.

Stomach upset

The individual can also end up with stomach-related symptoms linked with post-concussion syndrome after sustaining a direct blow to the skull. These symptoms include vomiting, nausea or diminished appetite. In case these symptoms persist, the individual can also end up with weight loss as a symptom of the syndrome.

Diminished coordination

Any form of brain injury that results to post-concussion syndrome can result to coordination issues in some individuals. In most cases, there is an unstable feeling when attempting to walk or he/she seems to stumble or trip more often than usual.

Memory issues

Always bear in mind that memory issues can occur if post-concussion syndrome develops. The individual becomes forgetful than usual or frequently misplaces commonly used items in the house. Performing tasks that requires the processing of diverse information will take a longer time to complete such as reading the newspaper or balancing the checkbook.

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