What happens during an allergic reaction to quinoa?

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Quinoa is best described as a grain-like food that is utilized as a side dish, flour and an ingredient in various ethnic cuisine dishes. This food is gaining popularity among health conscious individuals due to its health benefits. An individual who is allergic to other types of grains should be careful before trying quinoa. It is important to consult a doctor first in order to determine whether or not he/she can develop an allergic reaction if this type of grain is eaten. Even though quinoa is not regarded as an allergen, any food that is initially introduced to the body can likely trigger an allergic reaction. In case the individual develops the common symptoms of an allergic response, he/she must stop eating quinoa until a doctor is consulted.

An allergic reaction to quinoa

If the individual is allergic to quinoa, he/she will develop inflammation in different parts of the body that can lead to the manifestation of the common food allergy symptoms. Always bear in mind that each food contains proteins and if the immune system malfunctions, it can initiate an allergic response.

After the consumption of quinoa, the immune system might mistake the proteins in quinoa as a harmful substance. The body responds by producing different chemicals as a way to defend itself and eliminate the proteins from the body. The release of the chemicals will eventually trigger the symptoms of an allergic response.

What are the common allergy symptoms?

Quinoa allergy
As the lungs swell, asthma-like symptoms will develop including wheezing, difficulty breathing, and shortness of breath, coughing and tightness of the chest.

In most types of food allergies, they call trigger similar symptoms. The chemicals that were produced by the body will trigger inflammation in the skin, lungs and digestive tract. As the lungs swell, asthma-like symptoms will develop including wheezing, difficulty breathing, and shortness of breath, coughing and tightness of the chest. As for the skin reactions, it includes generalized itchiness, eczema and hives. The gastrointestinal symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

What happens during a severe allergic reaction?

In case a severe allergic response occurs due to the consumption of quinoa, it will cause the whole body to experience the reaction, resulting to a state of shock. Once this occurs, you have to call for emergency assistance right away so that medical care can be provided. The indications for this type of reaction include elevated heart rate, inability to breath, pale skin, low blood pressure and swelling of the face.


An individual who is diagnosed with quinoa allergy should eliminate the food from his/her diet. Always remember that avoidance is the most effective way to prevent an allergic response from occurring. A minor reaction can trigger symptoms that can be treated with oral antihistamines. On the other hand, a severe allergic reaction would require an injection of epinephrine or EpiPen. It is best to enroll for first aid training so that you know what to do during a severe allergic reaction.

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