Why hand hygiene is important?

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Always remember that you have to be familiar on how to properly wash your hands. Proper hand hygiene is a vital step in preventing certain illnesses such as flu and cold. It is a known fact that microorganisms and bacteria are present in the hands due to contact with infected individuals or contaminated items, thus washing hands properly is a must.

Proper hand washing is also a vital point in delivering first aid care in order to prevent contamination especially if open wounds are involved.

Spread of germs

Once an individual with cold or flu sneezes or coughs, the respiratory droplets can spread and land on surfaces. Even if the individual covers his/her mouth, anything that they touch before washing hands can become infected. Take note that germs can thrive on surfaces such as door handles, keyboards, tables and phones for several days. Individuals who touch these surfaces can acquire the illness.

Germs can easily enter the body through the nose, eyes and mouth. A good example is when touching a surface that has germs and then using the same hand on the nose or eyes or putting food in the mouth. Once the germs enter the body, they will multiply and eventually attack the immune system.

When is the right time to wash hands?

Proper hand hygiene
Observe proper hand washing after sneezing, coughing or blowing the nose.

It is vital to wash your hands all throughout the day in order to keep germs away. There are certain instances where hand hygiene is a must.

  • After handling garbage
  • After using the restroom or changing diapers
  • Before, during and after food handling particularly poultry and raw meat
  • Before and after caring or visiting a sick individual
  • After touching animals
  • After sneezing, coughing or blowing the nose

Which is better – soap or hand sanitizer?

When washing hands that are too dirty, it is best to use soap and water. In case there is no access to soap and water and the hands are not visibly dirty, a hand sanitizer can be used. Take note that hand sanitizers are usually available in gel form or as foam and both work the same. It is best to bring along a portable-sized bottle for easy sanitizing wherever you go.

Soap and water

When washing your hands using soap and water, you have to take note of the following steps.

  1. Wet the hands using clean water and apply soap
  2. Scrub the back part of the hands, between the fingers and under the fingernails
  3. Scrub for at least 20 seconds
  4. Rinse and pat dry the hands using a paper towel or clean cloth. Utilize a paper towel to turn off the faucet and open the bathroom door.

Hand sanitizer

Using a hand sanitizer can effectively kill germs, but only if it is at least 60% alcohol based. The best ways to kill all germs is to wash thoroughly using water and soap. If a hand sanitizer is used, you have to follow these simple steps.

  1. Apply a quarter-sized amount of the hand sanitizer on the palm of the hand
  2. Rub on the back of the hand, between fingers and under the fingernails
  3. Allow it to dry for about 15-25 seconds

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