Allergy to avocado

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Any type of food allergy is not a condition that must be taken lightly. An individual who is allergic to allergic to avocado must take the appropriate measures since the body does not recognize the proteins it contains. The immune system will go into an attack mode as it attempts to manage the foreign proteins. Even though some indicators of avocado allergy are insignificant, others can be severe. With this in mind, you have to be prepared to manage the symptoms that will manifest.

Symptoms of avocado allergy

If the individual ingests food that contains avocado, his/her mouth will start to tingle while the lips start to itch. Even direct contact with avocado can result to itchiness and even redness of the skin.

After avocado has been eaten, the individual is likely to experience watery eyes, runny nose and wheezing. It is important to note that these symptoms can manifest immediately or several hours after in some cases. Additionally, as the allergen moves along the digestive system, the individual can suffer from stomach cramps, diarrhea and vomiting.

Avocado allergy
After avocado has been eaten, the individual is likely to experience watery eyes, runny nose and wheezing.

How to manage the allergy

An individual who is highly sensitive to avocados will experience swelling of the throat, thus disrupting with the breathing process. This would require immediate emergency care since this can progress into anaphylaxis which is a life-threatening condition. Even if allergy to avocado has been determined, the doctor will provide a prescription for an epinephrine injection or EpiPen. Once the individual has been exposed or consumed avocado, you can administer a shot once the initial symptoms of anaphylaxis manifest. By enrolling in a first aid course, you will learn how to properly use an EpiPen during emergencies. Once the shot has been given, the individual must be taken to the hospital for further assessment and medical care.

Cross contamination

Foods that contain avocadoes can trigger an allergic response but the individual can also experience symptoms due to cross contamination. A knife that has been used in slicing an avocado and used to slice up onions for a sandwich will surely trigger the symptoms. Due to the possibility of cross contamination, the individual must be careful when eating outside. It is best that the individual will prepare meals at home to prevent cross contamination.

Issues on latex

Individuals who are allergic to latex are more likely to be allergic to avocados. Almost half of individuals who have latex allergy experience outbreaks not only due to avocado, but also from strawberries, bananas, kiwis, tomatoes, chestnuts and passion fruit. An allergic response occurs since a few of the proteins in latex are somewhat similar to the proteins in these foods. If an individual is sensitive to latex, it is best to avoid avocados as well as these foods. If in doubt, the individual must undergo testing to determine the exact allergen that triggers an allergic reaction.

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