Brain hemorrhage: What are the signs?

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Brain hemorrhage occurs if a blood vessel within the brain ruptures which results to bleeding into the brain tissues. This is considered as a dangerous medical emergency that necessitates rapid treatment to slow or stop the bleeding to lessen the damage.

The indications of brain hemorrhage can arise abruptly and become progressively worse or seem to pass rapidly.

Common signs of a brain hemorrhage

Abrupt headache

A common and obvious sign of a brain hemorrhage is an abrupt manifestation of an intense headache. In most cases, it is described as the “worst” or severe headache experienced.

The pain typically starts suddenly once the aneurysm ruptures and located in a single spot, usually above and behind one eye.

A common and obvious sign of a brain hemorrhage is an abrupt manifestation of an intense headache.

Visual changes

A brain hemorrhage generally causes visual changes such as blurry vision, double vision or light sensitivity. The signs often affect one eye but might involve both as the hemorrhage progresses.

Weakness or numbness

If an individual has brain hemorrhage, his/her ability to control one side of the body is limited. Oftentimes, half of the face appears stiff or feels numb. In severe instances, the rigidity and numbness can affect half the body.

When assessing an individual for a possible hemorrhage, the doctor often tests the strength of both arms and legs to check for any differences between the 2 sides of the body.

Difficulty in understanding language or speaking

Individuals with a brain hemorrhage might be confused and has a hard time communicating. There is difficulty in speaking due to the neurological effects and there are issues in understanding speech as well.

Dizziness and loss of motor control

The individual might have difficulty walking or moving on his/her own. There is also loss of balance or coordination or feel that his/her feet stuck and unable to move.

In addition, if the individual can still move, he/she often walks with a heavy, uneven gait and seems to drag one leg.

Quick Note / Disclaimer

The material posted on this page on brain hemorrhage is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn to recognize the signs, register for a first aid and CPR course with Toronto First Aid.


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