Close look on a sinus headache

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A sinus headache causes deep and continuous pain in the forehead, cheekbones or nasal bridge. The pain generally worsens with abrupt head movement or straining and can be accompanied by other sinus symptoms such as fullness in the ears, nasal discharge, facial swelling and fever.

The sinuses are cavities filled with air that are positioned in the forehead, behind the nasal bridge and cheekbones. The sinuses release a watery mucus that seeps out of the nasal channels. Once a sinus is inflamed, usually due to an allergic reaction, tumor or infection, the inflammation prevents the proper drainage of mucus which causes pain like a headache.

The treatment usually include antibiotics for the infection along with a short course of antihistamines or even decongestants to manage the symptoms.

How to manage a sinus headache

The treatment for a sinus headache is generally aimed on relieving the symptoms and deal with the infection.

The treatment usually include antibiotics for the infection along with a short course of antihistamines or even decongestants to manage the symptoms.

Other medications that are used in treating sinus infections include analgesics and vasoconstrictors. In some cases, corticosteroids might be given if the pain persists even after using analgesics. If an allergen is responsible for the sinus episodes, preventive therapy is needed.

Decongestants can be given to relive a sinus headache linked with sinus infections. These drugs work by relieving the headache symptoms by constricting the blood vessels responsible for the pain.

As for chronic cases of sinusitis, warm moist air can help in relieving the sinus congestion. A vaporizer or inhalation of steam from a basin of boiling water can be beneficial. The application of a warm compress can also help in relieving the pain in the sinuses and nose. Additionally, nasal drops can also be used safely at home.

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