How to prevent martial arts injuries

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Martial arts have been a popular form of exercise and sport globally. Judo is a form of martial arts that is widely practiced. There are various styles of martial arts that are geographically, mechanically, culturally and philosophically diverse. Other popular forms of martial arts include karate and taekwondo.

Common martial arts injuries

It is important to note that martial arts can cause various injuries. The martial arts injuries that occur are often dependent on the form of martial art being performed. Various forms of martial arts are actually non-contact and tend to result to overuse injuries. As for contact martial arts, they also vary in their techniques, protective equipment and rules. Understandably, these factors can affect the injuries that occur as well as injury rates.


The usual symptoms of concussion include dizziness, headache, balance issues, nausea, memory problems and difficulty with concentration. These symptoms last for several minutes up to days, weeks, months or even longer.

Martial arts injuries
The usual symptoms of concussion include dizziness, headache, balance issues, nausea, memory problems and difficulty with concentration.

Martial arts focus that focus on striking and throwing is more likely to result to concussions. Any individual who has symptoms of a concussion should stop playing and assessed by a doctor. The individual should not return to sports until cleared by a healthcare professional.

Head injuries

Grappling and striking can lead to minor injuries such as bruises, cuts and lacerations. When it comes to serious martial arts injuries, fractures on the face, nose or skull as well as evident injuries in the mouth, eyes or teeth can occur. These injuries can be minimized by using protective equipment.

Neck injuries

Minor martial arts injuries in the neck such as abrasions and bruising are quite common. Nevertheless, certain forms of martial arts such as judo, jujitsu and mixed martial arts allow choking techniques that can result to loss of consciousness. It is vital to fully understand the various forms of martial arts and learn under proper supervision.

Injuries to the extremities

Martial arts injuries to the extremities include bruises, cuts, strains and sprains. Joint dislocations and fractures are uncommon but can still occur especially in styles that utilizes throws and joint locking techniques. The injuries can be reduced with proper supervision and technique.

Skin injuries

Always bear in mind that cuts are quite common in martial arts. Individuals who engage in contact sports are prone to develop skin infections. These require proper evaluation and managed by a doctor.

Prevention of martial arts injuries

  • There should be a physical exam and clearance evaluation before participating in the sport.
  • When choosing a martial art to engage in, the individual should learn the inherent risks with every style being considered before selecting one to pursue.
  • The individual should train and practice the martial art under supervision.
  • Always perform proper warm-up and cooling down routines.
  • Proper protective equipment must be used specific to the martial art being practiced.

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