Indications of egg allergy among infants

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An egg allergy is one of the common food allergies among infants. An allergic reaction to egg becomes noticeable once the infant is about 10 months old. It is important to note that breastfed infants are initially exposed via the mother’s milk. An egg allergy is hard to diagnose since it is a hidden ingredient in various foods in the market today. An allergic reaction can range from mild to life-threatening, thus it is vital to be well aware of the symptoms of an egg allergy.

Atopic dermatitis

Skin issues are considered the prevalent indications of an egg allergy among infants. In most cases, there is dry, red-colored, itchy skin and rashes on the face, interior of the elbows and behind the knees within up to 30 minutes of consuming eggs, baby food with an egg component or drinking breast milk after the mother has eaten eggs.

The infant might become fussy and attempts to scratch or rub the itchy areas. The swelling, flushing and hives are also common symptoms of atopic dermatitis among infants. Infants who have a family history of egg allergy or other foods face a higher risk for developing severe symptoms of atopic dermatitis. The doctor might instruct the individual to avoid giving eggs to the child if there is a family history of the allergy. Proper assessment with a doctor is a must if a child is suspected with this type of allergy.

Infants with egg allergy can end up with diarrhea, stomach pain, itching, vomiting or swelling around the mouth.

Digestive issues

Infants with egg allergy can end up with diarrhea, stomach pain, itching, vomiting or swelling around the mouth. An infant who becomes fussy and has vomiting or diarrhea after eating egg, baby food with egg or currently breastfed after the mother has eaten egg might have egg allergy. A small percentage of infants might have severe digestive symptoms of egg allergy which includes difficulty swallowing, blood-streaked diarrhea and acid reflux.


Anaphylaxis is a severe, abrupt life-threatening allergic reaction that involves several areas of the body. The indications of anaphylaxis include wheezing, coughing, breathing difficulty along with itchy, swollen skin, vomiting and diarrhea.

Infants who have egg allergy can experience abrupt and severe anaphylactic reactions right after consuming egg or baby food with an egg component. In addition, infants who have atopic dermatitis face a high risk for developing anaphylaxis on their initial exposure to egg. Generally, a small percentage of children including infants develop this severe reaction to egg allergy. The doctor might advise to have the child undergo allergy testing for an incident of a severe allergic reaction to egg.

Always bear in mind that anaphylactic reactions are considered as medical emergencies that requires immediate medical care. Once the signs of anaphylaxis manifest, call for emergency assistance or bring the child to the nearest emergency department right away.

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