Sinus polyp headache: What are the indications?

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A sinus polyp is a growth or inflamed piece of tissue in the sinuses that might obstruct breathing or disrupt with the drainage of the sinuses. These are often triggered by continuous soreness of the sinus tissue that might be due to allergies or recurrent episodes of viral and bacterial infections. In addition, these polyps often trigger a headache.

What are the indications?

Most of the indications of a sinus polyp are characteristics of headaches. The indications that lead to a diagnosis of a sinus polyp include pain or discomfort in the cheeks, forehead, nose and eyes along with facial swelling, difficulty breathing, increased snoring, facial pain when bending down or lying flat and diminished smell.

Most of the indications of a sinus polyp are characteristics of headaches.

What are the health effects of a sinus polyp headache?

The indications of a sinus polyp headache might be intense to the point of disrupting ability to normally breathe via the nose. The discomfort of a sinus polyp headache might also disrupt with ability to work, exercise or concentrate.

Infections in the sinus or nasal polyps might trigger weakening of overall health as the energy levels decrease due to pain, fever and infection.


The treatment to alleviate the symptoms of a sinus polyp headache includes a nasal wash prepared using salt and warm water or utilizing a neti pot to irrigate and rinse out the sinuses or a saline nasal spray.

The doctor might also suggest corticosteroids that work by shrinking the polyps or recommend surgery to remove them.

Reducing the intake of dairy products in the diet might be beneficial if a sinus polyp or sinus infection becomes bothersome. A healthy diet is necessary to maintain overall health to help lessen the infections that lead to the growth of a sinus polyp and the headaches. In addition, a diet that is low in fat that maintains proper weight can also help with respiratory issues triggered by a sinus polyp.

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