Stomach pain due to sinus drainage

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Each child has glands in the nose and throat that are responsible for generating mucus. Normally, this mucus could not cause any issues at all since it simply drips down the back of the throat and eventually make its way into the stomach. Once the glands start to produce excessive amounts of mucus or the mucus becomes unusually dense, the child can develop postnasal drip and this drainage can leave the child with stomach pain.

What is postnasal drip?

The sinus drainage and subsequent stomach pain can have various causes, thus it is best to schedule an appointment with a doctor for proper assessment of the condition. Common cold, allergies and even a sinus infection can encourage these glands to produce excess amounts of mucus. Even an object that is lodged into the nose of the child can increase the production of mucus. If the excess drainage is allowed to stay, it will surely cause stomach pain and even lead to sore throat and persistent coughing.

Sinus drainage
Once the glands start to produce excessive amounts of mucus or the mucus becomes unusually dense, the child can develop postnasal drip and this drainage can leave the child with stomach pain.

Adequate rest

Just like with fluids, getting enough rest goes a long way in improving the stomach pain experienced by the child. Just remember though that the child should not just lie down, but make sure that you will place pillows beneath the head. It should be propped at about 12 inches higher than his/her feet. Take note that this can reduce the nausea as well as keeping the excess mucus from running down back into the throat. Always bear in mind that getting enough rest is vital to help alleviate any symptoms.

Increased intake of fluids

When managing sinus drainage, it is vital to ensure that the individual gets enough fluids to help quell the nausea. Increased intake of fluids can help thin out the mucus which also prevents any complications from developing. Remember that clear fluids are the best but those that are sweetened by sugar can calm the stomach better than others.

Aside from reducing the nausea, additional fluids can also prevent dehydration if the stomach pain causes the child to vomit. Do not provide the child with too much fluid at once since this can overextend the stomach, thus causing the symptoms to worsen.


Bismuth subsalicylate is beneficial in treating stomach pain and diarrhea. On the other hand, it is not recommended for children below 12 years old. It is also not advisable to be given to children or teenagers with the flu or chicken pox. The salicylates present in these medications can lead to Reye’s syndrome which is a condition marked by swelling of the liver and brain. Just remember not to provide any medications if in doubt. It is still best to consult a doctor so that proper medications can be prescribed by the doctor.

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