
What are mouth ulcers?

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Mouth ulcers are sore round or oval sores that develop in the mouth, usually on the interior of the lips or cheeks. These are white, yellow, red or gray in color and swollen around the edges.

Even though mouth ulcers can cause discomfort especially while eating, drinking or brushing the teeth, they are harmless. In most cases, they clear up without treatment within 1-2 weeks. A doctor can be consulted if the ulcers become worse or lasts longer than 3 weeks or if ulcers develop on a regular basis.

How common are mouth ulcers?

Cases of mouth ulcers are quite common especially among young adults and women. Most individuals will have one or two in a year. Nevertheless, some individuals end up with ulcers that recur on a regular basis.

Causes of mouth ulcers

When it comes to insignificant, single mouth ulcers, they are triggered by injury to the mouth such as unintentionally biting the interior of the check during eating or chewing on a sharp food.

Mouth ulcers
When it comes to insignificant, single mouth ulcers, they are triggered by injury to the mouth such as unintentionally biting the interior of the check during eating or chewing on a sharp food.

The exact cause of recurrent mouth ulcers is not always clear but it is likely a combination of factors including a genetic link and a possible trigger. The potential triggers include being anxious or stressed, hormonal changes, certain foods and cessation of smoking. In some cases, the recurrent mouth ulcers are an indication of an underlying health issue such as Crohn’s disease or iron deficiency anemia.


Most cases of ulcers can heal fully within 10-14 days without triggering any long-term issues but severe cases might last for a number of weeks and can even leave behind scarring.

If an ulcer is quite painful or disrupts with daily activities, there are self-care measures and medications that can help.

  • Use a soft toothbrush while brushing the teeth
  • Avoid eating sharp and hard foods
  • Always use a mouthwash, gel, spray or lozenge to minimize the pain and promote faster healing of the ulcer.

Prevention of mouth ulcers

Since the exact cause of recurrent mouth ulcers is unknown, there is no specific way to prevent them. On the other hand, there are measures that can help minimize the risk for developing them.

  • The individual must avoid damaging the interior of the mouth by using a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid eating brittle, hard or sharp-edged foods.
  • The individual must learn relaxation tips in order to relieve stress.
  • Avoid potential factors that might be responsible for triggering the mouth ulcers such as specific foods.
  • Make sure that proper oral hygiene is observed at all times such as regularly brush the teeth at least two times in a day.
  • Observe regular check-ups with a dentist. The dentist can determine and manage any issues such as fillings or sharp teeth that might damage the mouth.
  • Stick with a healthy and balanced diet rich in essential vitamins.

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