Why vascular headaches occur?

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It is important that there are certain types of headaches including inflammatory headaches, tension headaches, vascular headaches and traction headaches that can occur. When it comes to vascular headaches, it occurs due to the abnormal functioning of the blood vessels in the brain. There are three types of vascular headaches which includes cluster, migraine and toxic headaches. Always bear in mind that vascular headaches can trigger intense pain. This is why it is important to avoid the possible causes of the condition in order to minimize the severity of the headache.

Certain foods and beverages

There are various foods and beverages that can instigate vascular headaches. Drinking alcohol especially wine and beer can initiate migraine headaches. Those who experience a cluster headache will suffer from intense pain if alcohol is consumed.

As for the foods that can cause vascular headaches, it includes peanut butter, chocolate, onions, aged cheese, nuts, avocado, dairy, citrus fruits, picked foods and bananas. Foods that contain MSG (monosodium glutamate) as well as meats that contain nitrates such as hot dogs, bacon and lunch meats can also trigger headaches.

Vascular headache
It is important to note that if an individual is exposed to bright lights; it can trigger a vascular headache.

Exposure to lights

It is important to note that if an individual is exposed to bright lights; it can trigger a vascular headache. Sources of light such as UV lights, sunlight and the bright light from a TV screen or movie screen can easily trigger a headache in some individuals.

Humidity and heat

Exposure to humidity and heat can cause vascular headaches. An increase in the temperature outdoors can heighten the risk of developing the condition but even the internal temperature can also initiate a headache. If the individual has high fever due to medical conditions such as mumps, tonsillitis, measles or pneumonia, it causes a toxic headache.


There are some medications that can cause a vascular headache. The common medications that can instigate headaches include those that are used in dilating the blood vessels. If the individual takes an over-the-counter medication to manage a headache, it can trigger a recurrent headache that is also called as a rebound headache.

Increased stress levels and changes in the sleep pattern

Take note that stress can easily trigger vascular headaches. If an individual overly exerts the body, it can also lead to the development of a headache. Even changes in the sleeping pattern either too much or too little can also cause vascular headaches.


If there are changes in the level of hormones in the body, it can initiate vascular headaches. The usual hormones that can trigger headaches include cortisol and melatonin. It is important to note that women are more likely to experience migraine headaches due to the fluctuations in the hormones caused by the monthly menstrual period or pregnancy.


Hypertension or high blood pressure can go high enough to trigger a vascular headache. In most cases, the headache is usually dull in mild cases. A severe headache due to high blood pressure can indicate a life-threatening condition. You can enroll in a first aid class to learn ways to manage this condition.

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