March 2017


Bronchiectasis involves blockage of the airways due to the formation of mucus. The condition arises if the body could not eliminate the mucus which accumulates in the airways. The gradual buildup of the mucus results to infection that widens the airways. The condition usually starts in childhood even though the symptoms might be observed later.

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Adenoiditis involves inflammation of the adenoid tissues. It is difficult to tell if the adenoid tissue is infected or enlarged due to its distant position in the back of the throat. As part of the aging process, the adenoids shrink and gradually vanish in most individuals especially when adolescence is reached. In some cases, they

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Hip bursitis

Hip bursitis is characterized by inflammation of the bursa or small sac of fluid between the bone and tendon that prevents friction. There are instances in which the bursa can end up inflamed, triggering hip pain. It is important to note that there are several bursas found in the hip joint such as: Trochanteric bursa

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