W. Green

Walt Green is a registered nurse with years of experience in the field of orthopedics. As an orthopedic nurse, Walt Green has dealt with a variety of cases and injuries with their proper management measures. To share his knowledge to others, specifically on musculoskeletal injuries, Walt Green is also a contributor working part time as an online writer to various websites. Generally, he focuses on basic first aid care for musculoskeletal injuries as well as other health-related topics.

Helping a Choking Victim - Continue coughing

Occupational asthma

Occupational asthma is triggered or aggravated by exposure to certain substances in the workplace. Always bear in mind that these substances might trigger asthma in various ways – irritant reaction, allergic reaction or a reaction where chemicals that naturally occur in the body accumulates in the lungs. Individuals who work in the healthcare field can

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Dealing with ulcerative colitis flare-ups

Close look on campylobacter

Campylobacter is a bacterium responsible for Campylobacteriosis which is an infection that causes vomiting, diarrhea, cramping and fever. The condition is passed via contaminated water and food. The infection usually affects individuals with weakened immune systems, particularly the elderly and young children. Campylobacteriosis is one of the main causes of food-borne illnesses and diarrhea. Once

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