Brewer’s yeast allergy

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It is a known fact that brewer’s yeast is often utilized in the production of beer and wine which is a type of fungus made out of grains and hops. Take note that this type of yeast is packed with protein, chromium and vitamins, thus making it a healthy nutritional additive. Unluckily, there are some individual who develop an allergic reaction to the yeast and most find that they are allergic after consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Symptoms of brewer’s yeast allergy

If you suspect that an individual is allergic to brewer’s yeast, the following symptoms are likely to manifest.


It is important to note that migraines are caused by excess flow of blood to the brain. Since alcohol thins the blood out, it is not uncommon for the flow of blood to the brain to increase, thus resulting to a migraine headache. Understandably, not everybody who drinks alcohol experiences a migraine headache after drinking a glass of wine or beer. Those who are allergic to brewer’s yeast will always experience a migraine headache after drinking alcoholic beverages. This is considered as the most common symptom and the most severe.

Brewer's yeast allergy
Those who are allergic to brewer’s yeast will always experience a migraine headache after drinking alcoholic beverages. This is considered as the most common symptom and the most severe.

Irritation of the stomach

Once an individual drinks alcoholic beverages, it often leads to the irritation of the stomach in which the individual feels bloated, full of gas and even nauseated. Take note that it is not uncommon for those with brewer’s yeast allergy to develop diarrhea as well.


Brewer’s yeast will trigger a drop in the blood sugar level as well as increase the chromium level on individuals who are allergic to the substance. Both will cause an individual to feel very tired. If the individual abruptly feels tired after drinking alcohol, you can provide a glass of orange juice or encourage him/her to perform an engaging activity that will help reenergize his/her body.

Nasal congestion

Always bear in mind that alcohol will cause the body to release histamine. Alcoholic beverages that are made out of brewer’s yeast such as wine already have an elevated content of histamine. It is not uncommon for individuals who drink alcohol to experience nasal congestion, but if he/she is allergic to brewer’s yeast, he/she will likely experience severe nasal congestion every time alcoholic beverages are consumed.

Itchy skin

Those who are allergic to brewer’s yeast will start to feel itchy after drinking alcoholic beverages. The individual may or may not develop hives or red-colored spots on the skin surface. This reaction is quite common among individuals who are allergic to certain foods and usually vanishes on its own. If you will enroll in a first aid course, you will learn measures on how to ease the itchiness connected to an allergic reaction.

Genetic symptoms

It is vital to note that individuals who have Asian descent are more likely to develop brewer’s yeast allergy than the other ethnic groups. If the individual has an Asian descent and experienced rapid heart rate, drop in blood pressure and flushing right after consumption of alcohol, it simply indicates that he/she is allergic to brewer’s yeast based on the genetic aspect.

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