Can pasta cause lactose intolerance?

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If an individual is lactose intolerant, pasta might not be a suitable food for his/her diet. On the other hand, pasta does not contain any lactose since it is made out of grains, salt and water. The reason why pasta must be avoided by those who are lactose intolerant is due to the fact that there are some pasta dishes that are served with a creamy sauce or cheese that contains milk. It is important to be careful when eating pasta dishes that are served with milk-based ingredients.  Some individuals are able to tolerate small amounts of lactose and might not develop any symptoms after eating pasta that has a creamy sauce. By enrolling in a course on first aid, you can learn more about this condition as well as readily manage the symptoms to provide relief to the individual.

What is lactose intolerance?

Lactose intolerance is the inability of the intestines to properly digest lactose which is a sugar present in milk. During digestion, the coating of the small intestines produces certain enzymes that help break down the sugar and proteins present in foods. If the body does not produce enough lactase, the milk sugar will remain in the digestive tract until broken down by bacteria. This action can cause the usual symptoms linked with lactose intolerance such as diarrhea, gas and bloating.

Lactose intolerance
If the body does not produce enough lactase, the milk sugar will remain in the digestive tract until broken down by bacteria. This action can cause the usual symptoms linked with lactose intolerance such as diarrhea, gas and bloating.

Consideration certain pasta dishes

There are some prepackaged pastas such as macaroni and cheese that might contain by-products of milk that contain lactose. It is important to read all the labels carefully. In case packaged pasta was made with milk, the manufacturers are required to reveal this common food allergen. The individual might not develop symptoms after eating pasta that contains some milk. Remember that it all depends on the harshness of the intolerance as to the quantity of milk-based sauces that the individual can manage to bear.

Lactose-free foods

The consumption of lactose-free foods is an ideal way to prevent the symptoms of lactose intolerance from occurring. Take note that pasta is considered as a lactose-free food. Other foods that do not contain lactose include graham crackers, vegetables and fruits, oats, rice, dry cereals, cornmeal, coconut or rice milk as well as lactose-free milk. Most types of lactose-free milk available in the market are relatively safe for individuals who have been diagnosed as intolerant to lactose.

Other possible options

If the individual wants to eat pasta that might contain lactose, he/she can take a lactase-enzyme supplement before eating. The lactase enzymes are available in pill or liquid form in order to prevent and minimize the symptoms of lactose intolerance. Today, you can even purchase lactose-free cheese that can be used on various pasta dishes. If the individual wants to use these supplements, it is best to consult a doctor first.

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