Chocolate allergy

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In most individuals, chocolate is a delectable treat that can provide relief at the end of the day. Chocolate is known to trigger pleasant feelings that can make one happy or comforted. Nevertheless, in some individuals, chocolate can trigger a serious allergy. If an individual is diagnosed with chocolate allergy or suspects that he/she might have one, it is vital to consult a doctor.

What are the ingredients that triggers chocolate allergy?

Individuals who have chocolate allergy should find out what causes the allergy in the first place. Always bear in mind that chocolate is made out of various ingredients from cocoa or cacao beans. Even though cacao beans are the main ingredients of chocolate, they rarely cause allergies.

In reality, it is safe to stay that chocolate allergy can be caused by other ingredients that are present in chocolate such as the following.

  • Milk
  • Soy
  • Corn
  • Caffeine
  • Wheat and gluten
  • Berries
Chocolate allergy
The individual suffers from diarrhea, abdominal pain and other digestive issues.

Symptoms of chocolate allergy

The ideal way to determine if the individual is suffering from chocolate is to be familiar with the common symptoms. The next time the individual eats a chocolate bar or other treats made out of chocolate, it is vital to monitor for any of the following symptoms:

  • If the individual suffers from an abrupt headache or migraine. This symptom is typically triggered by an allergic reaction to dairy products, milk or nuts which are common ingredients in chocolate.
  • Skin reactions can range from mild to serious. These skin reactions can manifest on any part of the body. For instance, itchiness can occur in the rectal area, swelling and redness on the face and itchiness.
  • The individual suffers from diarrhea, abdominal pain and other digestive issues.
  • Respiratory symptoms such as coughing and sneezing.
  • In severe cases, there is an abrupt drop in the blood pressure and feeling faint or lightheadedness.

Allergy testing

If the individual experiences any of these symptoms, he/she might be allergic to one of the ingredients in chocolate. The best way to determine what the individual is allergic to is to undergo allergy testing. Once the allergen responsible for the reaction is determined, the doctor will start the appropriate treatment.

Treatment for chocolate allergy

Essentially, the ideal way to avoid chocolate allergy is to avoid consuming chocolate entirely. The individual can use antihistamines to effectively manage the symptoms. Take note that antihistamine can relieve several symptoms linked with the allergy such as rashes, itchiness, sneezing and abdominal issues.

Antihistamines are available over-the-counter or a doctor can prescribed a potent one. If the symptoms of chocolate allergy affect the respiratory system, corticosteroids or bronchodilators might be required. These work by preventing shortness of breath, runny nose, sneezing and coughing.


An allergy to chocolate should not prevent an individual from enjoying the sweets. It is vital that the individual fully understands the allergy and the symptoms by consulting a doctor. Modifications to the diet are made in most cases.

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