How to remove fiberglass from the skin

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Fiberglass is comprised of miniature particles of glass. Once fiberglass is cut, trimmed or sanded, it releases dust particles that can become embedded in the skin, resulting to rashes. Always remember that the fiberglass particles are difficult to remove on the skin since they can become deeply rooted within the pores. There are various ways in order to remove fiberglass from the skin. Just bear in mind that not all methods will work, thus you have to try each of them until you can find one that works.

Removing fiberglass on the skin surface

If an individual is exposed to fiberglass and it settled on the skin surface, you have to initially rinse the affected area in a gentle manner using cold water in order to close the pores as well as prevent the fiberglass from inserting further into the skin.

Using a section of a tape, you have to place it lightly over the affected part while making sure that it sticks to the skin and then swiftly pull off the tape. You have to be careful since this can also remove the hair from the affected area. By using the tape, it can help remove the small pieces of fiberglass present on the skin surface.

Always remember that the fiberglass particles are difficult to remove on the skin since they can become deeply rooted within the pores.

Removing embedded fiberglass

In case the fiberglass particles are deeply embedded into the skin, the first aid measure is to rinse the affected area using cold water for at least two minutes. The next step is to rinse the affected area under hot water in order to open up the pores so that the fiberglass particles will be released. Just make sure that the water used is not too hot since this will cause the pores on the skin to swell and simply push the fiberglass particles deeper.

Another method that you can use involves Epsom salts. You can use Epsom salts in order to draw out the fiberglass particles from the skin. First, you have to boil a cup of Epsom salt in water and then pour into a warm bath. Soak the affected area for at least 30 minutes. Once finished soaking, gently rinse the affected area under cool water to eliminate any leftover fibers that might still be on the skin surface.

In addition, you can also utilize a nylon stocking in order to draw out the fiberglass particles from the skin. After the individual takes a bath, gentle scrape a nylon stocking across the skin surface. Take note that the nylon should grab and remove the small glass fibers from the skin.

Important tips to bear in mind

When attempting to remove fiberglass on any skin surface, it is important to observe preventive measures such as using gloves or clothing that provides adequate protection to the skin.

You have to instruct the individual not to rub or scratch the affected area since this will only push the fiberglass particles deeper into the pores. If the removal methods stated earlier do not effectively remove the fiberglass, it is best to consult a doctor.

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