Seafood allergy: Stomach cramps

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It is important to note that seafood allergy include any allergic reaction to foods from fresh or salt water sources such as both shelled or finned fish such as salmon, trout, crab, shrimp and oysters. Once an individual has seafood allergy, he/she should not consume or handle any seafood product.

A usual symptom that develops after consuming seafood if the individual is highly sensitive is stomach cramps. Other digestive symptoms that accompany stomach cramps include diarrhea and vomiting. The individual should discuss his/her symptoms with a doctor if seafood allergy is suspected for proper assessment as well as treatment.

Close look on seafood allergy

Seafood allergy is considered as a life-long condition that could not be cured until today. Millions of individuals all over the world are diagnosed with seafood allergy. It is important to note that seafood allergies are commonly linked with anaphylactic shock which is a severe allergic reaction that can lead to death.

If an individual is allergic to one type of fish, he/she has a 50% chance of having an allergy to other types of fish. Take note that cross-contamination is an issue if the individual has fish allergy since fish are usually handled together in processing facilities.

Possible causes

The stomach cramps can be accompanied by other symptoms.

Stomach cramps are triggered by the presence of histamine in the intestines. Once the individual experiences an allergic reaction, the body produces various chemicals to combat the proteins from seafood.

Histamine and immunoglobulin E or IgE antibodies are the chemicals responsible for triggering the symptoms of an allergic reaction. The proteins in seafood are identified by the body as a threat when they are actually safe. The high levels of histamine present in the digestive tract will cause the development of inflammation in the gut, thus causing stomach cramps and pain.

What are the other symptoms?

The stomach cramps can be accompanied by other symptoms. If the individual only experiences cramping without other symptoms, it simply indicates intolerance towards a certain type of seafood. The other symptoms that can develop include tingling sensation in the lips, mouth or throat, hives, facial swelling, nausea, generalized itchiness, diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, wheezing, nasal congestion and cough.


An effective form of treatment for seafood allergy is to avoid seafood altogether. Various manufacturers are required to indicate if a pre-packaged food contains seafood or fish or processed in a facility that might contaminate certain food items.

The individual with seafood allergy should read all product labels carefully before eating and when eating out, ask the server regarding ingredients in a particular dish being ordered. If the individual accidentally consumes seafood, there is nothing you can do to deal with stomach cramps aside from providing the individual with fluids, getting enough rest and wait for the body to eliminate the seafood proteins from the body.

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