Symptoms that require emergency assistance

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Intuitively, all of us will call for emergency assistance when someone breaks inside our house or if we smell smoke. In addition, we call for emergency assistance if involved in a vehicular accident.

It is important to note that there are medical conditions are the difficult to judge than accidents. Oftentimes, they seem to gradually develop and before you know it, it is already an emergency. Remember that there are medical conditions that can be subtle, but they have the potential to become life-threatening as a gunshot wound.

Abrupt loss of consciousness

Always bear in mind that abrupt loss of consciousness might not be a big deal or the reason for death. In some circumstances, some individuals simply pass out by seeing blood which is not life threatening. On the other hand, cardiac arrest typically starts with loss of consciousness and entails immediate medical attention.

chest pain is the most common symptom of a heart attack and will only go away once a heart attack progresses to cardiac arrest.

Chest pain

It is important to note that chest pain is one of the overlooked medical emergencies. Many individuals tend to explain it as nothing more than a heartburn or soreness of the muscles. Actually, chest pain is the most common symptom of a heart attack and will only go away once a heart attack progresses to cardiac arrest.

Shortness of breath

Difficulty breathing is an indication that comes with almost anything. The possible causes of shortness of breath can range from a heart attack, a collapsed lung, a blood clot in the lungs or even anaphylactic shock.

Weakness on one side of the body

Strokes can occur abruptly which can be scary or subtle and not evidently dangerous. Many individuals will surely call for emergency assistance when they cannot talk or drooling persistently, but weakness on one side of the body is often explained simply as a pinched nerve in some circumstances. In case the arm and leg on one side go numb or weak together, particularly if the other side is normal, it is best to call for emergency assistance right away.


Always bear in mind that seizures can be caused by chronic conditions such as epilepsy or can be due to damage to the brain or from certain factors that affect the brain such as heat stroke or low blood sugar. In case the individual has not experienced a seizure before or you do not know if he/she is prone to experience one, you have to call for emergency assistance as soon as possible.

If any of these symptoms are observed, do not hesitate to call for emergency assistance as soon as possible. Delaying care might only worsen the condition of the individual and even result to death. Do not hesitate to call for help if you sense that a particular injury might become a life-threatening one. This can help save the life of the individual.

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