Subacute bacterial endocarditis

How harsh are adverse drug reactions?

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Generally, there is no scale to describe or measure the severity of adverse drug reactions. The assessment is chiefly subjective and the ensuing adverse drug reactions can be described as:

  • Mild
  • Moderate
  • Severe
  • Deadly or lethal

For the minor or moderate drug reactions, they do not essentially mean that the individual should stop using a particular medication, specifically if no suitable substitute is on hand.

Adverse drug reaction
Headache is one of the symptoms of an adverse drug reaction.

Nevertheless, the doctor is likely to reassess the dosage, frequency of usage and the timing of the dosage. The other medications might be utilized to control adverse drug reactions.

Mild adverse drug reactions

The mild adverse drug reactions are usually described as of minimal significance and includes the following:

  • Headache
  • Malaise (generalized feeling of being sick or discomfort)
  • Digestive disturbances
  • Fatigue
  • Sleeping pattern changes
  • Ambiguous muscle aches

Just remember that these reactions can be quite distressing to an individual. As an outcome, the individual might be unwilling to take the medication as directed and the objective of treatment might not be achieved.

Moderate adverse drug reactions

The moderate reactions to drugs includes the following:

  • Muscle tremors
  • Rashes
  • Visual disturbances (particularly those who use corrective lenses)
  • Perceptible changes in mood or mental function
  • Difficulty with urination
  • Changes in the blood components such as brief, reversible reduction in the white blood cell count or the level of glucose.

In addition, reactions that are described as mild are considered moderate if the individual experiencing them considered them as evidently distressing, annoying or intolerable.

Severe adverse drug reactions

The severe reactions include any that can be considered as life-threatening that can lead to constant or significant disability or requires hospitalization as well as cause birth defects.

This type of reaction is considered rare. Those who end up with a severe reaction should stop using the medication and requires treatment. Nevertheless, the doctor might oftentimes continue providing high-risk medications such as those who are under chemotherapy. The doctor will utilize every possible measure to control a severe adverse drug reaction.

Lethal reactions

The lethal reactions can be described as one that directly or indirectly caused death. These reactions are usually severe reactions that were not detected right away or did not respond to treatment. The lethal reactions might be the reason why some medications are removed from the market.

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