W. Green

Walt Green is a registered nurse with years of experience in the field of orthopedics. As an orthopedic nurse, Walt Green has dealt with a variety of cases and injuries with their proper management measures. To share his knowledge to others, specifically on musculoskeletal injuries, Walt Green is also a contributor working part time as an online writer to various websites. Generally, he focuses on basic first aid care for musculoskeletal injuries as well as other health-related topics.

How to manage an allergic reaction to preservatives

If an individual experiences an unexplained rash, upset stomach or hives, it might indicate an undiagnosed allergy. The preservatives present in certain foods and other consumer products available in the market are the common sources of allergic reactions. In most circumstances, the symptoms are only minor but some who are highly sensitive can end up […]

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Can I suffer from stomach cramps if I have seafood allergy?

It is a known fact that seafood allergies include any sensitivity to foods that came from fresh water or salt water. The potential triggers include finned and shelled creatures. An individual who is allergic to seafood should not be exposed through direct contact or ingest any seafood products. A usual symptom that manifests after consuming

Can I suffer from stomach cramps if I have seafood allergy? Read More »

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